Top Baby Names in United States

Top 10 Baby Names For 2013

Rank Male name Female name
1 Noah Sophia
2 Liam Emma
3 Jacob Olivia
4 Mason Isabella
5 William Ava
6 Ethan Mia
7 Michael Emily
8 Alexander Abigail
9 Jayden Madison
10 Daniel Elizabeth


Popularity in 2012

Rank Male name Female name
1 Jacob Sophia
2 Mason Emma
3 Ethan Isabella
4 Noah Olivia
5 William Ava
6 Liam Emily
7 Michael Abigail
8 Jayden Mia
9 Alexander Madison
10 Aiden Elizabeth
11 Daniel Chloe
12 Matthew Ella
13 Elijah Avery
14 James Addison
15 Anthony Aubrey
16 Benjamin Lily
17 Joshua Natalie
18 Andrew Sofia
19 Joseph Charlotte
20 David Zoey
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.


Most Popular Baby Names for 2011

Jacob and Sophia Take Top Honors on Social Security’s Most Popular Baby Names List

Jacob and Sophia are America’s most popular baby names for 2011. This is the thirteenth year in a row Jacob tops our list for boys and the first year for Sophia, who knocks Isabella to number two after a two-year stint at the top of our list for girls. There is only one new name in the top 10 on either list this year. Mason rocketed to number two from outside of the top ten to replace Anthony on the boys’ side.



1 Noah 1 Sophia
2 Liam 2 Emma
3 Jacob 3 Olivia
4 Mason 4 Isabella
5 William 5 Ava
6 Ethan 6 Mia
7 Michael 7 Emily
8 Alexander 8 Abigail
9 Jayden 9 Madison
10 Daniel 10 Elizabeth

Mason, a relatively popular name since the 1990s, had never cracked the top 25 until 2010, when it hit number 12. Some may attribute this year’s rise to number two to reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian’s son. We note, moreover, that Mason has been a regular top-five name in Wisconsin for many years, undoubtedly a tribute to strong-legged Green Bay Packer kicker Mason Crosby.

Many pop-culture naming trends appear in a popular feature of Social Security’s baby names website–the “Change in Name Popularity” page. This year’s winners for biggest jump in popularity in the Top 500 are Brantley and Briella.

The fastest riser on the girls’ list may come from Briella Calafiore, the blonde reality star hairdresser from cable TV’s “Jerseylicious” and its spinoff, “Glam Fairy.”

For the boys, there could be some controversy over Brantley – depending on whether you are a fan of college football or country music. Arguments could be made that the popularity of the name comes from John Brantley, the quarterback for perennial powerhouse The University of Florida, or from Brantley Gilbert, the singer with the number one country hit “Country Must Be Country Wide.” If you like both football and country music, you’re a winner either way!

The second fastest riser on the boys’ list is Iker. There may be some international influence here—Iker Casillas Fernandez is the well-known goalkeeper for both Real Madrid and the Spanish National Team. In 2010, Iker led Spain to a World Cup championship, just in time to influence the 2011 baby names list.

On the girls’ side, Angelique is the second biggest climber, but she may have gotten there with some magic. Angelique is the character name of a witch from the cult favorite “Dark Shadows.” She worked her witchcraft just in time for the blockbuster Hollywood remake of the 1960s TV show.

We are pleased to report there has been an Elvis sighting! Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue is happy to announce that Elvis is back where he belongs, in the top 1,000. “Last year I was all shook up when Elvis dropped way down below the top 1,000, but Elvis is back into the promised land of the top 1,000, and that’s all right.” Elvis has been spotted at number 904 on the list.

Social Security started compiling baby name lists in 1997, and the agency’s website offers lists of baby names for each year since 1880. Social Security is America’s source for most popular baby names because parents supply this information to the agency when applying for a child’s Social Security number at the time of the child’s birth.

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